ILO EIIP Crisis Response


In response to the escalating crisis in Lebanon, the ILO Employment Intensive Infrastructure Programme(EIIP), funded by the German Government through KfW Development Bank  and by ILO Emergency Response in Lebanon through RBTC fund, is expanding its efforts to address the urgent needs of displaced families and individuals affected by the crisis in shelters located in Dekwaneh and Tripoli initially, with ongoing assessments to extend assistance to additional shelters and areas throughout Lebanon.

Building upon existing EIIP initiatives supported by various development projects, these interventions are aimed at enhancing living conditions for displaced individuals while also creating job opportunities for those in the vicinity of the shelters following EIIP vulnerability criteria. The primary focus of the EIIP's interventions is to improve living conditions that address both the immediate needs and also the rehabilitation of the buildings.

Working under the guidance of the Government's Emergency Response Committee led by the Minster of Environment, nationally identified safe and accessible collective centres are being supported in different areas of the country.

ILO is supporting the crisis in the areas of shelter, building rehabilitation and afterwards in Early Recovery and Livelihoods. Leveraging the EIIP's extensive experience in infrastructural support across Lebanon over many years, the focus is on creating inclusive employment opportunities for vulnerable populations through an inclusive outreach mechanism to women, men, and persons with disabilities. The initiative prioritizes individuals from displaced groups, presenting a highly valued opportunity given the current circumstances.

The first step carried out a rapid needs assessment indicating the work required prioritizing most pressing needs. Afterwards designs and procurement are lined up for supply and installation. The activities that will be initially addressed in the shelters are:

EIIP is adopting a phased approach. Immediate actions include extending cash-for-work activities to displaced individuals on existing infrastructure projects, relocating cleaning and clearing activities to support the centres, as well as assessing the buildings and preparing for the necessary building rehabilitation work, considering that the winter season is approaching in a few months.